Monday, July 21, 2008


Introducing the 2008-2009 Delta Epsilon Chi National Officer Team!

It was my pleasure and honor to conduct national officer training this past week at our headquarters in Reston, VA. Among the notable activities that bring polish to your dedicated leaders and prepare them to get out and do the challenging job of leading our organization, be proud of Team 48 (the 48th Delta Epsilon Chi national officer team on record) for their representation of you, the members.

On Monday, July 14th Stephen, Jamie & Samantha along with their high school DECA counterparts (Uzo, Shelby, Issac and Mike) visited over 30 congressional representatives to lobby for support of career and technical education and to issue an invitation to join our Congressional Advisory Board. Stephen and Issac found great success by signing Rep. Bishop (Utah-R) on the spot! The officers will continue to solicit this critical support in follow-up communications. However, you can rest assured that no door went untapped as these teams worked together to bring more recognition of our DECA & Delta Epsilon Chi organization.

On Tuesday, July 15th the teams were back out again with members of our National Advisory Board (the companies that want to hire you!). They visited with Mr. Bill Shaw, COO of Marriott International and hosted a prestigious luncheon at the Washington Arts Club with many more of our NAB members. Gaining critical support of our corporate partners is what facilitates high-quality programs at our conferences, finds jobs for our graduating members, AND contributes dollars to our generous scholarship fund. The teams capped the day with a visit to the Assistant Secretary of Education, Troy Justesen, stumping once again for continued support of career and technical education.

They hopped on the planes heading home on Friday afternoon but already my email inbox is teeming with articles, assignments and new ideas to bring value to YOUR coming membership year.

Here at HQ we continue to prepare to launch 2008-09 by finalizing the Guide to Competitive Events & Programs, updating the Passport Program, planning the Collegiate Leadership Academy, and of course- updating our website with new and vital information.

Advising the National Officer Team, along with interacting with all of our student members is what drives my passion for this organization. I wish Team 48 and all of our student leaders an incredible year as you prepare to Make Your Mark. If there is any way that I can support your efforts - please email me!

All of our contact information:

Stephen Hanson:
Samantha Desjarlais:
Jamie Hillen:

Kyle Walton:

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