Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Real Rewards

Seeing new chapters start is one of the most rewarding things about my position as the North Atlantic Region Vice President. We work with existing chapters and their day to day activities all the time, and seeing them take their chapters to higher levels is rewarding as well, but seeing a brand new chapter up and running is one of the greatest feelings.
I traveled to the University of New Haven, who recently started a chapter, during Delta Epsilon Chi week. I met with their current president and the executive board. They all have an extreme dedication to not only the organization, but to each other. They have gone through all of the somewhat tedious steps, the paperwork, the gathering of members, community service and fundraising. They work together to make the organization functional, but they inspire the members to believe in it.
When the members started piling into the room, I was surprised at how many of them had not participated in DECA in high school and were sold on the organization when they were approached by the president and the other members of the executive board. They wanted to know more about what they could do to better their chapter, what they had to do to be the best, and what they could do to help the organization as a whole. I gave them all of the information I could and then I asked them what ideas they had come up with for fundraising and community service. They came up with fashion shows, mini golf, bracelets to help support an injured student, and so many other creative ideas. After the meeting, I expressed how proud and amazed I was with everything they had done. They seemed to be surprised by what I said because they saw it as an ordinary way of life.
This common theme of people going above and beyond because they wouldn’t think about doing it differently, is something that I see all the time in this position. I truly believe that this is the reason people, especially myself, are attracted to Delta Epsilon Chi. Is there someone in your chapter that truly leads by example and amazes you every day? Nominate them for one of the many awards that Delta Epsilon Chi has to offer at
Are you one of the people who go above and beyond? You should consider running for a NATIONAL OFFICE! Contact any of your national officers for information on not only the process on running, but about what it truly entails.

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