Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Teamwork is what Delta Needs!

Recently I was put in a situation working with someone who really pushed my buttons because he came into a work area that I had been in for about four years and acted as if he knew more than I did about the entire company. My father had been running another chain of this same restaurant throughout my whole life and I had been going and helping him at work since I could walk. When someone else tried to come in, and not only tell me what to do, but tell me how to do my job, I was not only threatened but highly agitated. This person’s confidence had brought a whole new meaning to the saying “fake it til’ you make it”. As I continued to work with this new person, I realized that he was just as threatened by me, as I was by him. He knew all the textbook rules and regulations, but had no idea how to put them into practice without offending people who had been with the company for many years. After a while, the new person realized that he was not getting anywhere by bossing people around with textbook answers and that he just needed to go with the flow and remind people of the regulations every once in a while.
This relates to Delta Epsilon Chi every day. There are those people who come into your chapter that know all the rules and regulations from either high school DECA or from researching Delta Epsilon Chi, but they don’t know how to handle the chapter, because chapters are made up of people, not robots. They don’t always do what you want or what they say they are going to, but they have been there for a while, so you need to go with the flow and remember they do have feelings. Members of Delta Epsilon Chi don’t take kindly to pushing and shoving (much like people in the business world). By adding everyone’s strengths and weaknesses together, you gain an entire entity that we call a chapter. This is what the leaders of Delta Epsilon Chi have come together to do – create a chapter where everyone has a chance to contribute. So remember to give everyone a chance, help them out when they need it, and take help when someone gives it.
-Samantha NARVP

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