Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year ...New Goals, and Renewed Drive!!!

With the New Year fast approaching and the old coming to a close it’s the time to review how we did with the goals of 2008. I personally did horrible on my workout program; I will need to set that goal up again and create steps to help me to make sure I find success this coming year. I did however do really well with my educational goals as I made sure that I kept my grades right where I wanted them.
It is always fun to review the past goals, the past year, and one of the greatest things that you can review is your Delta Epsilon Chi program of work. Review what you have accomplished, what could have been done better, then review what you will do better. This process of reviewing can help you to have great Delta Epsilon Chi success. The great part about reviewing the program of works is that you still have half of the school year to make things happen and get the POW goals accomplished. You can also look at the goals that were set, and meet with your team to determine if some of them are unreasonable and may need to be dropped. You can also consider the possibility that new goals may need to be added to the work load. No matter what goals you review and new ones you create make sure to review your Program of Work and recognize what will make the second half of the Delta Epsilon Chi Year a super success.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Finding Time For Christmas and Family

Holy Cow…. Life is busy busy. With Finals finishing up and Christmas on the way it is so hard know where one day starts and the next begins. In this crazy time of year I always try to take a step back and slow it down a little so that I can enjoy the holidays with friends and family. So many times we will catch ourselves starting to work crazy hours again, or taking on new projects, but we have to keep telling ourselves that it is our families and friends that help us to perform well in school, Delta Epsilon Chi, and at our places of employment all year long. We should give them this special season. Take time this year, not just to service the community or Delta Epsilon Chi, but your families and your friends. Let your loved ones understand how important they are to you. Take time to think of what you can do to make this season one to remember.

Happy Christmas

Steve Hanson

Monday, December 1, 2008

Delta Epsilon Chi...Thanks

Just and update!

I have been busy as can be the last two weeks as my wife and I were just able to introduce are new baby boy into the world. His name is Grayson Stephen Everest Hanson. He was 8 pounds 5 ounces and 21 inches long. He is a fun little guy and is very animated. It’s truly amazing to watch him and have a new outlook on life. Thank you all for the great amount of support and kindness that you have shown to my little family. Delta Epsilon Chi students are always willing to care and you have truly shown it to us these past two weeks.

Thanks to everyone,

Steve Hanson

Sunday, November 23, 2008

One of those days...

Have you ever just had one of those days where everything that happens is slightly less than perfect? You wake up and you know that there is something that is not quite right. This happened to me about four days in a row and I was looking for something to get me out of this rut that I seemed to have my foot cemented in. I found out that I forgot to write things down when I should have, I didn’t know the answers when asked questions, and I would forget the simplest things that would push my life off kilter just enough to annoy myself and everyone around me.
How do you change this? Well, I’m just beginning to find out is that you have to have a positive attitude and a different outlook on everything that happens. If you (excuse me for being cliché) take everything with a grain of salt. Remember that things are going to go wrong, you are going to forget things, and you can’t change everything. For example, I woke up this morning and looked at my phone (for some reason my roommate and I don’t have an alarm clock in our room), and realized that it is 9:45. Well this is odd, because I remember setting my alarm for 8 a.m. because I have class at 9:30 and I needed to get ready and get some things ready before my classes that day. I take a double look at the alarm I set and realize that I set it for 8 p.m. and therefore, was not awoken by it. At first, I got really aggrevated, because I had missed my first class and basically wasted the first half of my day. Later on in the day, after I had caught up on my tasks, I realized that I needed a couple of extra hours of sleep after staying up to study for an exam I had that day. This little bit extra sleep gave me a more cognitive mind and helped me focus on the things I had to do for the rest of the day. It’s issues like these and not having a sharpened pencil that really made my day bad, until I realized that these are not events that should not dictate whether my day is satisfactory or not. I don’t have control over these inconvenient things that happen in my life, but I do have control over my reaction to them.
With a positive attitude (and perhaps a good night’s sleep), you can have the worst luck in the world and still have a good day!


Friday, November 14, 2008

Recruit. Retain. Grow!

When I joined the DECA staff a few years ago to serve as the assistant director of the college division, membership recruitment was the furthest thing from my mind. My experience as a student member, an officer, and as an alumni supporter was always focused on the quality programming that Delta Epsilon Chi offers its members. Whether I was receiving the benefits, promoting the benefits or delivering the benefits – it was simply so obvious to me the value that membership in Delta Epsilon Chi brings to students that it never occurred to me that everyone else wasn’t out there shouting from the rafters and bringing new members in every single day – after all, I always did that because I believed in the program. (The IT folks at Johnson & Wales in Denver hated me because each morning I’d reset the homepage on every computer in the business building to the Delta Epsilon Chi website – I’ll bet they were pleased when I graduated!)

But, sitting at my desk in the national headquarters in Reston, VA – there is a very different picture painted. I get emails from frustrated members saying, “Where are you?” “Why aren’t you on my campus recruiting?” and “Who is my advisor?” My politically correct response is always, “the staff can’t be everywhere so here are some resources for you to use to start and develop your chapter.” Honestly though, I’m frustrated too. I want to be on every campus hanging up posters, marking up sidewalks with chalk, holding rallies and collecting membership dues! But there simply isn’t enough time or money to send staff to every chapter – let alone to be out starting new chapters all the time. We do all that we can to support membership development while also working really hard to provide innovative, in-depth, hands-on career and leadership programming.

So who’s job is it to find an advisor? To recruit new members? To plan high-quality on-campus activities?

It’s YOUR JOB!!!!!

YOU! The interested, dedicated, career-seeking college student.
YOU! The chapter officer, committee member or wannabe leader.
YOU! The individual who believes in the value that membership can bring to students and wants to bring that value not only to your own college career but also to the academic experience of your peers.
YOU! Who wants to set himself or herself apart from your peers as you interview for new jobs.
YOU! Who wants to leave a legacy of action, opportunity and success when you graduate and leave your college campus.

The National Officers and the staff are here to support your efforts. There are membership PowerPoint presentations, recruiting flyers and information all available on our website. Have you seen our new membership video? Ask to play it at the beginning of freshmen and sophomore business classes and I’ll bet you’ll have a league of new members lining up to join. Have questions? Email me! Or call! We are all here to support the membership growth efforts of our chapter members.
We are here to support YOU! Happy Recruiting!!

Kyle Walton

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Helping your new members to find their place.

This past week has been a wonderful adventure in the world of Delta Epsilon Chi for me. 8 flights and 5 days later I returned home from visiting and participating in the Minnesota's Professional Leadership Conference and Missouri’s Fall Leadership Conference. It was truly a great opportunity to network and learn from the students and leadership of these great associations. One thing I found that was very interesting, to me, was the large number of new participating members that we had at the conferences. It was wonderful to see the new growth and get a breath of fresh air. I also realized that this meant we had a lot of work to do as student leaders on the local, state, and national level to help these new members to understand the organizations and their role in the big picture of Delta Epsilon Chi. I reflected on this and came up with 3 steps to help new members feel welcome and important:

1. Information: If they don’t know, they won’t go. So many times we want the members of our chapters to work along side us and put forth an effort to strengthen their understanding of Delta Epsilon Chi and the business world. However the problem, so many times, is that they are not aware of the information they need to be effective and they don’t know where to find it. We, as students, need to study the information ourselves and be ready to assist our new members in understanding it as well. If we do this then we know what to do to be effective. www.deltaepsilonchi.org
2. Friend: Have you ever gone to a party and found that you didn’t feel accepted or that you felt like you didn’t know any one. This has happened to me even though I was invited to the party by a few different people. When I got there they were more interested in other things then helping me to feel welcome. I also have been to parties where I have felt so welcome and part of the group. What was the difference? The difference was that at one party they invited me but didn’t make me feel that way once I got their, and the other group helped me feel that I was part of the group from the first minute I arrived on the scene. Be that person to make others feel welcome, be a friend, be the ONE
3. Responsibility: This is a job for every member. This gives your members the chance to service and to give back. This helps them to feel needed and wanted. It gives them the opportunity to feel and know that they are a vital part of the chapter team and they should continue to participate.

By using these steps effectively, we can better support our new members and help them to feel needed in their Delta Epsilon Chi activities. I would encourage all Delta Epsilon Chi leaders to become very aware of the programs and projects that are available via http://www.deltaepsilonchi.org/ . Make sure that your new members understand how they can be part of, not just the project, but feel that they are an effective part of their local chapter or team. It is a year for growth. Let’s not just see growth in the membership numbers but also in our new members and ourselves.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My DECA Experience

In the past few weeks, I have had the honor to participate in two DECA conferences, Colorado’s Fall Leadership Conference and a District Competition Preparation. At the Fall Leadership Conference, held on my college campus, I was asked to speak at the opening and closing ceremonies, facilitate a workshop on competition, and greet the advisors. My favorite part of the day was sharing my experiences with DECA members, advisors, and my school’s administration. The experiences that I shared proved that student organization make a difference in our education and ultimately our career path. The most rewarding experience during this day was seeing my fellow Delta Epsilon Chi members facilitate teambuilding activities with the state and district officer teams. Through our member’s excitement and leadership ability, high school DECA members were inquiring about continuing their involvement in college. Witnessing the connection being established between the high school and college division brought a huge smile to my face. I know that not everyone in Delta Epsilon Chi was involved in DECA or with national student organizations while in high school. However both the high school and college division have the same goal… to develop and enhance tomorrow’s leaders. Each of us reaching out to our local high school DECA community will create a strong relationship between the two divisions. Weather it be to help at conferences, mentoring a marketing class, preparing members for competition, or simply showing them about college choices, we are making a difference in the lives of students, advisors, and ultimately impacting our organization.

The enthusiasm rises again...

So, I’m not sure how many of you know that after graduating from high school and before starting college, I spent a whole year traveling around the world with an international community service organization called Up With People. It was a year like no other in terms of the experiences that I had and learned from, and the impact they made then, and continue to make now, on my life. Over the summer I attended my 10-year reunion and reconnected with Up With People alumni from my group and other Up With People alumni from many other years (there were people celebrating their 40th anniversary!). Just this past week I received the commemorative DVD from the reunion and popped it into my player. It was like doing it all again – I laughed, I cried, I jumped up and danced along with my group (and myself) and sang along with so much enthusiasm (and volume) that I’m sure my neighbors were cringing at my lack of vocal skill.
(oh yeah – Up With People is a community service and performing group – forgot to mention that part. Check it out: http://www.upwithpeople.org/)
Before the video was done I found myself jumping to my feet and exclaiming, “How do I get involved again?” And it was right at that moment that I realized which other organization played such an important and life-shaping role in my life – Delta Epsilon Chi. And so I asked another question, “How do I get today’s members as excited as I am right now about the experiences available to them through Delta Epsilon Chi?” and, “How do I find alumni to be as supportive of the organization, as supportive as I want to be for Up With People?”

For me, the true value of my time in Up With People and my time here with Delta Epsilon Chi has been both the ideology of the organizations who’s missions ring true to my heart and mind, and the community of people associated with each organization. But in both groups I learned one very important lesson, I had to put work, effort, time and energy IN to the organization – only then I was able to get so much OUT.

So I pose these questions to you – members and advisors:

1. How do we get YOU excited and able to participate in all the experiences and programs available to you as members?

2. How do we get our ALUMNI excited and ready to support Delta Epsilon Chi members and advisors?

3. What have YOU put into the organization recently and what do YOU want to get back out of it?

I’m curious to hear your thoughts! Comment here on our blog or email me!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Real Rewards

Seeing new chapters start is one of the most rewarding things about my position as the North Atlantic Region Vice President. We work with existing chapters and their day to day activities all the time, and seeing them take their chapters to higher levels is rewarding as well, but seeing a brand new chapter up and running is one of the greatest feelings.
I traveled to the University of New Haven, who recently started a chapter, during Delta Epsilon Chi week. I met with their current president and the executive board. They all have an extreme dedication to not only the organization, but to each other. They have gone through all of the somewhat tedious steps, the paperwork, the gathering of members, community service and fundraising. They work together to make the organization functional, but they inspire the members to believe in it.
When the members started piling into the room, I was surprised at how many of them had not participated in DECA in high school and were sold on the organization when they were approached by the president and the other members of the executive board. They wanted to know more about what they could do to better their chapter, what they had to do to be the best, and what they could do to help the organization as a whole. I gave them all of the information I could and then I asked them what ideas they had come up with for fundraising and community service. They came up with fashion shows, mini golf, bracelets to help support an injured student, and so many other creative ideas. After the meeting, I expressed how proud and amazed I was with everything they had done. They seemed to be surprised by what I said because they saw it as an ordinary way of life.
This common theme of people going above and beyond because they wouldn’t think about doing it differently, is something that I see all the time in this position. I truly believe that this is the reason people, especially myself, are attracted to Delta Epsilon Chi. Is there someone in your chapter that truly leads by example and amazes you every day? Nominate them for one of the many awards that Delta Epsilon Chi has to offer at http://www.deltaepsilonchi.org/student_awards.html.
Are you one of the people who go above and beyond? You should consider running for a NATIONAL OFFICE! Contact any of your national officers for information on not only the process on running, but about what it truly entails.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Click Here for the New Membership Promo Film!!!

I remember summer nights of playing hide-and-go-seek with all the neighborhood children. I remember they were looking for me and I was hiding or vice versa. This is a lot like being a member of Delta Epsilon Chi… we are always trying to find additional people to join the organization but sometimes they are hiding. In the early years of life I became clever and used a flashlight to seek out the children that I could not find and it served as a great tool. Today, as in the hide-and-go-seek of yesteryear, we have tools that are made available to help us to spot the individuals that should and could be great members of Delta Epsilon Chi. This promo Film is just one of the many tools that will help us Make our Mark on this great year. Please use this video and let us know how you used it. We will then share that information with other students that are trying to find effective ways to market Delta Epsilon Chi at their local chapters.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Opportunities are readily available to all students of Delta Epsilon Chi because of all the amazing companies that are participating as our business partners. I have to admit I had a somewhat bias opinion in regards to what our sponsors had to offer students, especially one company in particular, Valpak. I totally thought they would hire people to be managers over a team of envelope packers or something like that. I was sorely mistaken and was able to gain a great understanding of what they truly offer to the members of Delta Epsilon Chi by visiting them just a couple of weeks ago in St. Petersburg, Florida.
It was an amazing trip and one that I will never forget, now let me tell you how it all happened. I was able to talk with Mark Liston, the Valpak representative to Delta Epsilon Chi during a conference in Anaheim, California. As we visited we talked about the importance of helping students to understand and to know what the National Advisory Board’s companies offer to students and understand that they are truly here to help us to have success in our schooling, competition, and future careers. I was then invited to visit Mark Liston and Valpak for a two-day trip to Florida to gain a better understanding of what careers they had available and how Delta Epsilon Chi students could succeed with Valpak. It was an eye opening two day adventure, I learned that they are using so much green technology, they are giving back to the community all the time as they work with Habitat for Humanity. I also learned that they are hiring students to participate in a highly competitive, high volume sales force that offers great compensation, and super benefits. Overall it was amazing. I encourage any seniors that are participating in Delta Epsilon Chi that like the sound of working with great people, great product, and for a great outcome, to contact me at steve_president@deltaepsilonchi.org and I would love to give you additional information.

Opportunities for internships, part-time (in school) employment and full-time career starting positions are available with many of our National Advisory Board partners. Visit our website at: http://www.deca.org/nab_index.html to learn more about our corporate partners and their hiring practices.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

TAKE ACTION... Make your Mark

As a team we have collaborated on a program of work through an amazing training experience, and began taking action to complete these goals. As the school year started and I begin to consider what we have already accomplished in the past few months and what experiences that, are unknown to us, lie ahead; I start to feel the anxiety build. What will be accomplished by the end of the membership year? Will the members realize endless possibilities? How can I make a difference? These are just a few questions that have been plaguing my thoughts and sometimes my dreams.

In effort to relieve my anxiety I reached out to my support system for guidance. One of my close friends, whom I often consider my mentor, told me this, “If you keep worrying about the end of the year and what you will achieve then before you know it the end of the year will be here and you will be wishing you could have that time back.” What I also learned from that conversation is that we are the only thing that stands between where we are now and our accomplishments.

This poster reminds us that to go the extra mile we must remember that what lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. It doesn’t matter what has happened or what will happen… what matters is what we are doing now, at this very moment. If you’ve taken the proper steps to make the plan, have faith in yourself, and make it happen. The goals are on paper, the vision is outlined; now it’s time to take action and make the program of work a reality.
Until next time,

Friday, September 26, 2008

Loss of a Loved One

Today the DECA and Delta Epsilon Chi family lost a loved one. Larry Lorenzi has been a part of our organization for so many years. I've had the great pleasure of sitting with him at the dinner table and over coffee at breakfast hearing all of his stories about the "early days" of Delta Epsilon Chi.

It was sitting at a high school conference last winter with Larry that he and I began hatching the ideas for this year's all "NEW" Collegiate Leadership Academy. Larry, a long time New York/New Jersey man used all of his contacts and ingenious efforts to flush out what is sure to be an incredible experience. For all of you who are able to join us - it is Larry's support and drive that really will have made your meetings with Madame Alexanders... behind the scenes at Madison Square Garden and Radio City... and a talk with the executive chef at Planet Hollywood - all possible! He's even the one who hatched the plan to get a bus tour of the city and a black-tie service networking reception together. Larry always has wanted to best for our members - and you lucky members... will get the best!

CLA 2008 will be a tribute to Larry. Hope you'll all come.

To Larry, old man, you taught me to be a better person. You patted me on the arm and told me I was doing good things for our students and I'll keep on working to do so. Thank you for everything Larry.

I'll miss you.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Enthusiasm for Delta Epsilon Chi

There are many great experiences as a national officer, but so far one of the top experiences has been getting to see how truly dedicated and enthusiastic members can be. I have seen members who truly believe in the organization and want to help build it to its full potential.
One thing that I was truly amazed by was the willingness to help out. I was talking to some of the state officers in Rhode Island, as well as some of the leaders of the chapters in Rhode Island and they were more than willing to help out with chapters that were just opening in other states. They are not only willing to build their chapters and their own state, but they are willing to help the organization on a national level.
The dedication from the students from places like Post University and University of New Haven has really blown me away. They have worked their way up from nothing and they are doing really well. They have shown that Delta Epsilon Chi is worth the hard work of starting a chapter. These new chapters go through many periods of growth that require a lot of planning and action to get through.
Before I became a national officer, I knew that I wanted to help bring this organization to the next level with the help of my fellow national officers and the staff at DECA headquarters, but I never truly realized that the members have such a large part of the process. They are the main ingredient in the success and furthering of Delta Epsilon Chi and we couldn’t do anything without them. As we go into this year, I knew that we wanted to inspire everyone to become self-sufficient and engaged members, but I never truly realized the impact that doing this could have. I also realized that we have such great members, that it’s not hard to do this. They inspire themselves by seeing their own hard work pay off with the opening of new chapters and the astonishing accomplishments they are achieving in their own home towns.
If anyone has an ideas or is willing to help out with new chapter development contact your national officer. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to Delta Epsilon Chi.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Anaheim, California

Just a few weeks ago DECA inc. held the annual SAM (State Association Management) Conference in Anaheim California, and as tradition the National Presidents for the high school and college divisions were asked to attend. We were able to meet and network with everyone from Advisors to National Advisory Board members. We had a wonderful learning opportunity and the chance to build relationships and gather understanding from the knowledge of advisors, DECA staff, and the sponsors that truly care for the growth of Delta Epsilon Chi.
We were also able to have a ton of fun! We were able to visit the travel and tourism district of Anaheim, California and see the many hotels… and ride some rides at the theme parks. It was so much fun and I can’t wait for our International Career Development Conference and the chance to introduce all of you to the area. The thought came to me, as I was boarding the plane home, that this short trip was a wonderful experience and I asked myself what made this trip such a success. The answer was easy to point out … it was networking.
If I would have came to California and kept to myself I would have studied alone, ate alone, played alone, and wouldn’t have had that much fun, but I had a great time and it was directly connected to the great people I talked Delta Epsilon Chi with, ate with, and played at the theme parks with. I encourage everyone to network, network, and network not just of job opportunities but to build relationships of trust and understanding with the people around you. This will build strength in your life and build Delta Epsilon Chi in new and great ways.
Also start saving your money as my team, and many others students and business professionals are looking forward to meeting you and networking in April 2009. Lets Make our Mark.
-Steve Hanson

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Important Things in Life

Hello Everyone!
This week has been a one packed with friends, family, work, and of course Delta Epsilon Chi. I helped my best friend move back to Bryant University, tried to spend time with my family before I move back to school, went to work, and had to get all of my assignments done for Delta. I felt so overwhelmed with it all and then realized that this is all just beginning and in one short week I will have to balance all of this plus schoolwork and living in a crowded college dorm room with all of my friends biding for attention. I became so nervous that I couldn’t even think of what to do.
I then opened my training binder to see what Mr. Collins had taught us at training. He taught us that time management isn’t finding more time to do things, but prioritizing the things that need to be done. As we went through four different categories or quadrants of priority levels, we saw that there are things that need to be done right away and are extremely important like an assignment that is due the next day. There are also less important tasks at the moment and can wait until the extremely important and urgent tasks are done. This would include watching a movie with friends or going out for ice cream. Spending time with your friends is important, but when you have a jam packed schedule, your friends will understand that what you’re doing is best for your future.
At training a past officer said that we will see who our true friends are because they will be the ones who aren’t angry over the missed lunch dates or the lack of hours spent hanging out because they know that what we are doing is important and that this year is the opportunity of a lifetime. This truly is the opportunity of a lifetime and the only way to get through it is to think about what is best for not only myself, but most importantly, for the members of the organization.
As I go through this journey I am learning so many things and taking on so many challenges, but I am quickly realizing that this is one of very few opportunities to learn all of these lessons in just one year and I would not pass that up for anything.

- Samantha, NARVP

Monday, August 18, 2008

Membership Growth!

School must be back in session! My inbox this morning is full of emails from students recently started or now starting new chapters and ALL are looking for advice. It is so exciting to know that the value of membership in Delta Epsilon Chi is a known fact and that new students each year work hard to bring that value to other students on their campuses. Working with all of our members… helping each individual to be successful… this is what I LOVE about my job!

So – a few quick pieces of advice for membership growth/development and most importantly, Starting a New Chapter:

1. Take it day-by-day, person-by-person.
It can be overwhelming if you look at the big picture for starting a chapter. But rest assured that you can handle it one step at a time. On our website there is a numbered checklist for starting your new chapter.
The BEST advice I can give is to find the select few friends and supporters who can be on your leadership team to get your chapter rolling. When I was a new student at the University of Utah I contacted some of the DECA alumni who would also be freshmen on campus that year. From that group of 5 we started and grew the chapter to 25 in just the first year! And today, ahem... a few years later, we are still good friends. Find your support system and share the responsibility.

2. Use your Marketing 101 skills well!
Whether it’s chalk messages in the quad, PSA’s on the campus radio station, or press releases to the campus paper… get the word out that Delta Epsilon Chi is for everybody. Plan a couple of introductory meetings and get people there. Plan a few events (community service, networking, etc.) that will get people hooked into your growing chapter community. And then get out and market your existence like crazy!

3. Start Planning for the BIG events early.
The Collegiate Leadership Academy (Nov. 6-8) is a great opportunity for you to hook your new members into participating. But honestly, it costs a buck or two! So plan early, start raising funds; build your business partnerships that could help support the cost of sending a few people to New York. The experience is well worth it… but it takes some organization to get everyone there.

The International Career Development Conference (April 22-25) is the culminating event of our membership year and an experience you don’t want to miss! And again, it costs a buck or two to ship everyone out to California. Just like the CLA – plan early, raise funds, get your faculty and administrators to support you and the learning that will take place – and get everyone to Anaheim!

* Big note on fundraising – if people have to put even a few of their own hard earned dollars into going to a conference, they’ll take the experience more seriously and get more from it. Even if you can get full funding for everyone (and that is hard to do anyway) I would recommend you still ask for at least $50 from everyone and then reimburse those who come back having participated in the whole conference experience.

4. What do we do now?
So you’ve turned in your membership in our online system. You’ve raised funds to attend the conferences. Now what? The REAL value of membership in Delta Epsilon Chi comes from what you do in your chapter. For ideas of how to engage in leadership and career learning in your local chapter check out our:

Passport Program
Month of C.A.R.E.
Competitive Events Program

All three programs should give you ideas about what can be done in your local chapter that will create membership value, and they will prepare you to earn awards and compete successfully on the international level at our International Career Development Conference.

The greatest accomplishments are the one’s you have to work for.

Starting a chapter, growing a chapter – these aren’t the easiest things in the world to do. But if you work hard, stick to it, and plan your action and act on your plan – I guarantee it will be one of the greatest accomplishments ever.

Good luck! And as always – if I can help… Email me!

Take Care,
Assistant Director, Delta Epsilon Chi

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Delta Epsilon Chi and Daily Life

A few days ago I was walking down the street the sun was out and scorching hot. I couldn’t handle the heat any longer as I felt like I was melting. The thought came to my mind that …I wished I was water skiing. I set a goal to get a couple articles written for the Chi Connection, and make contact with some of the local schools in my area that have potential to be really strong Delta Epsilon Chi chapters. I also wanted to write a list of 5 of my friends that I am going to invite to join my local Weber State chapter, and what steps I would take to make that happen. I wrote out my goals, executed, and was able to find a lot of really great leads to work with. It was a very effective week, and now I am water skiing and having a great time. Remember you can never create more time…but you make the most of the time you have. Posted By: Steve Hanson

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


As we sat in the “pit” (see picture to left) on the last night of training we realized that this would the last time, sitting here, at headquarters as a team. The passion for this organization and the work of the past national officer team’s filled the air. After spending a week with two amazingly dedicated officers and one advisor whom as we would like to say is “the fire within Delta Epsilon Chi” we looked up toward the atrium and all the events of our training came flooding back.

Upon returning from a long week of shaking hands, sharing personal life-changing experiences, meeting those who have impacted this organization, polishing leadership skills, and forming an action plan for our year…. Team 48 was ready and energetic to hit the ground running.

Emails to write, phone calls to make, thank you cards to send, articles to outline, and research to compile… WHERE DO WE START?

It is the mission of Team 48, as ONE, to empower members to be the ONE to MAKE their MARK on this upcoming membership year by inspiring ONE student to join Delta Epsilon Chi. This ONE person can make a huge difference on the future of our organization.

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience it to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences.”

When I ran for national office I was scared for what could have happened but I knew, just as Eleanor Roosevelt shows in her quote that we cannot fear life. If we have a passion we should be able to live it and to taste it every day. My passion is to serve and guide the members of this organization and those richer experiences will be depicted by you, the members.

I look forward to seeing how you experience this next year as a member of Delta Epsilon Chi and I can’t wait to hear how you are MAKING YOUR MARK!

Still don't know where to start... Read the chi connection (also print it for members), visit the website often; http://www.deltaepsilonchi.org/, attend CLA in New York (BRAND NEW FORMAT!), participate in the C.A.R.E. initiative by doing a community service project, or plan activities for Delta Epsilon Chi Week.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Seeing Everyone Make Their Mark

Hello Everyone!
It’s official! We have been home from training for a little over a week now and working hard to get things running smoothly.
I was looking back at journal entries I made right before, during, and after training and realized that the experiences I had at training were the most valuable and amazing experiences I have ever had. I was challenged to do things that I had never even thought of doing, such as speak to congressmen and women telling them about Delta Epsilon Chi and DECA. I was also taken out of my comfort zone when put into a room full of business people who were part of our National Advisory Board. But you know what? I did all of these things. I did all of these with the confidence that the members of my team and the DECA staff instilled in me.
After leaving training I found that this was the only team experience that I had had that was “textbook”. Going to a business school I had always been taught that “Teams go through six stages: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning.” This had never happened to me before and thought that this was something that the management professor’s had made up as something that they thought should happen, but never did. This does happen. This happens when you get a team of reliable and truly devoted members together. When we were adjourning, we looked back at the week and the Program of Work we created, and all agreed that this was, so far, the best team that we had ever been a part of, because for once we did not feel as if we had to check up on each other to make sure that we were doing work, but rather focus on making this the best and most productive year possible. We can't wait to see what happens in the upcoming year!
One of the most rewarding experiences after getting back from training was hearing all of the great things that chapters, states, and provinces are doing all over. I came into contact with so many members who were just as enthusiastic and passionate about the organization as I am. These people are coming up with the most inventive and helpful ideas to do things like community service, fundraising, and building supportive and strong teams.
I can’t wait to get out and meet everyone who I have talked to so far and see the great things that their chapters are doing, especially during CARE month (October 1st-November 1st). Check out the CARE page on the website at www.deltaepsilonchi.org/care.html.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Visit to Marriot International


Introducing the 2008-2009 Delta Epsilon Chi National Officer Team!

It was my pleasure and honor to conduct national officer training this past week at our headquarters in Reston, VA. Among the notable activities that bring polish to your dedicated leaders and prepare them to get out and do the challenging job of leading our organization, be proud of Team 48 (the 48th Delta Epsilon Chi national officer team on record) for their representation of you, the members.

On Monday, July 14th Stephen, Jamie & Samantha along with their high school DECA counterparts (Uzo, Shelby, Issac and Mike) visited over 30 congressional representatives to lobby for support of career and technical education and to issue an invitation to join our Congressional Advisory Board. Stephen and Issac found great success by signing Rep. Bishop (Utah-R) on the spot! The officers will continue to solicit this critical support in follow-up communications. However, you can rest assured that no door went untapped as these teams worked together to bring more recognition of our DECA & Delta Epsilon Chi organization.

On Tuesday, July 15th the teams were back out again with members of our National Advisory Board (the companies that want to hire you!). They visited with Mr. Bill Shaw, COO of Marriott International and hosted a prestigious luncheon at the Washington Arts Club with many more of our NAB members. Gaining critical support of our corporate partners is what facilitates high-quality programs at our conferences, finds jobs for our graduating members, AND contributes dollars to our generous scholarship fund. The teams capped the day with a visit to the Assistant Secretary of Education, Troy Justesen, stumping once again for continued support of career and technical education.

They hopped on the planes heading home on Friday afternoon but already my email inbox is teeming with articles, assignments and new ideas to bring value to YOUR coming membership year.

Here at HQ we continue to prepare to launch 2008-09 by finalizing the Guide to Competitive Events & Programs, updating the Passport Program, planning the Collegiate Leadership Academy, and of course- updating our website with new and vital information.

Advising the National Officer Team, along with interacting with all of our student members is what drives my passion for this organization. I wish Team 48 and all of our student leaders an incredible year as you prepare to Make Your Mark. If there is any way that I can support your efforts - please email me!

All of our contact information:

Stephen Hanson: steve_president@deltaepsilonchi.org
Samantha Desjarlais: samantha_narvp@deltaepsilonchi.org
Jamie Hillen: jamie_wrvp@deltaepsilonchi.org

Kyle Walton: kyle_walton@deca.org